Thursday, February 20, 2014

MySQL Standard Generic Binary Installation from a compressed tar file binary distribution

      MySQL Standard Generic Binary Installation from a compressed tar file binary distribution

                                                  Created By : Amit Gera DBA(MySQL & ORACLE)
Goal: MySQL Standard Generic Binary Installation from a compressed tar file binary distribution
OS:- Centos 6.3 64 Bit
Partition Requirement:-
/mysql_admin:-Will contains mysql binaries and confirguration file
/mysql_backup:-Will contains mysql backup [i.e dumpfile or export files or import files]
/mysql_data:- Will contains data files
/mysql_home:-Will contains profiles , sql scripts etc
/mysql_logs:- Will contains log files [i.e trace ,alert , binary , slow query & general audit logfiles]

Note:-Here I have use name amit wrt service name ,As per guidelines we must set it to meaningful name i.e product service name


#~~#Step 1:-Download mysql packages for ubuntu
a.Create downloading destination directory
cmd:-mkdir -p /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/download
b.Start Downloading at destination directory
If internet is available then use this cmd:-
wget -O /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/download/mysqlbinaries-5.6.16.tar.gz

Else download this from other sources and copy here

Note:-Post downloadation step we recommend to verify the integrity of the packages downloaded.
Cmd:- md5sum -t /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/download/mysqlbinaries-5.6.16.tar.gz
Compare the output of trail cmd with the checksum shown on download url page

#~~#Step 2:-
a.Create group and create user in that group for mysql
groupadd mysql_grp
useradd -r -g mysql_grp mysql_user
b.Create directory mention in below configuration file of step 6
mkdir -p /mysql_data/ibtablespace/
mkdir -p /mysql_data/datadir/
mkdir -p /mysql_data/iblogs
mkdir -p /mysql_logs/slow_logs/
mkdir -p /mysql_logs/error_log
mkdir -p /mysql_logs/replication_log
mkdir -p /mysql_logs/mytmp/
chown mysql_user.mysql_grp -R /mysql_data/
chown mysql_user.mysql_grp -R /mysql_logs/
c.Create configuration & binary directories
mkdir -p /mysql_admin/configuration_file
touch /mysql_admin/configuration_file/my.cnf
mkdir /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/

#~~#Step 3:-Add following below listed entries into environment file and load it in envrinoment
step a. cmd:-
echo "myadmin="/mysql_admin/"" >> /etc/environment
echo "basedir="/mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/"" >> /etc/environment
echo "myconf="/mysql_admin/configuration_file"" >> /etc/environment
echo "MYSQL_HOME="/mysql_home/homedir"" >> /etc/environment
echo "myadmin_download="/mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/download"" >> /etc/environment
step b. Run the file with cmd:-source /etc/environment

#~~#Step 4:- Extract binaries 
cmd:-cd $basedir
cmd:- tar zxvf $myadmin_download/mysqlbinaries-5.6.16.tar.gz -C /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/
cmd:- ln -s /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/mysql-5.6.16-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 binaries

#~~#Step 5:-Add following below listed entries into environment file and load it in envrinoment
step a. cmd:-
echo "PATH="$PATH:/mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/binaries/bin"" >> /etc/environment
step b. Run the file with cmd:-source /etc/environment

#~~#Step 6: Create configuration file
a. vi /mysql_admin/configuration_file/my.cnf
b. write below listed information into configuration file and save
port = 3310
socket = /mysql_data/my_amit.sock
# The MySQL server
port = 3310
socket = /mysql_data/my_amit.sock
pid-file =/mysql_data/
innodb_data_home_dir = /mysql_data/ibtablespace/
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /mysql_data/iblogs
log-bin = /mysql_logs/replication_log/amit-replication
log-error = /mysql_logs/error_log/amit-mysqllog.err
default-storage-engine = innodb

#~~#Step 7:- Now we have to initializes the MySQL data directory and creates the system tables that it should contains.
cmd:-cd $basedir/mysql-5.6.16-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64/
cmd:-scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql_user --basedir=/mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/binaries --defaults-file=/mysql_admin/configuration_file/my.cnf

Note: option user=mysql_user is used in order to initialized db with ownership mysql user

There are some third party tool which can help you in creation or tunning of configuration files with respect to inputs mentiones
URL for Percona Configuration Wizard for MySQL is :- or

#~~#Step8: There are many ways by which we can start mysql and here we invoke mysql.server script method that use System V-style run directories (that is, /etc/init.d and run-level specific directories),
##Generally, you start the mysqld server in one of these ways:
a.Invoke mysqld directly. This works on any platform.
b.Invoke mysqld_safe, which tries to determine the proper options for mysqld and then runs it with those options. This script is used on Unix and Unix-like systems.
c.Invoke mysql.server. This script is used primarily at system startup and shutdown on systems that use System V-style run directories (that is, /etc/init.d and run-level specific directories), where it usually is installed under the name mysql. The mysql.server script starts the server by invoking mysqld_safe.
d.On Mac OS X, install a separate MySQL Startup Item package to enable the automatic startup of MySQL on system startup. The Startup Item starts the server by invoking mysql.server.
e.Use the Solaris/OpenSolaris service management framework (SMF) system to initiate and control MySQL startup.

After initializing db ,Now we are proceding to add service in System V-style run directories

Execution steps:-
a.Copy server script and add in system V-style run directories
cmd:-cp /mysql_admin/mysql_binaries/binaries/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service
b. add in chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service

b.Optional if there is any old services which we need to remove :-
cmd:-chkconfig --list | grep old_mysql_servicename
if present then remove with below command
cmd:- chkconfig –del old_mysql_servicename
c. Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service ...
cmd:- chkconfig --add mysql_amit_service or chkconfig mysql_amit_service on

#~~#Step 9:
Before making link please make sure no my.cnf file exist in /etc directory
If exist then delete that file cmd:- rm -rf /etc/my.cnf and proceed further
cmd:-ln -s /mysql_admin/configuration_file/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf

#~~#Step 10: Now you can start mysql with
/etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service start
/etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service start

Note: We can Shutdown with
/etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service stop
/etc/init.d/mysql_amit_service stop

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